Video for corporate communication
Video for everyday communication done right!
We put together a equipment package that meets your needs
With the equipment package we put together for you, your employees can easily produce video for business communication.
Tailor-made workflow ensures a quick result.
We design a workflow based on the skills your company has in-house and help you achieve your goals where you need ongoing support.
Training and education in best practices
We train your employees on how to use the equipment, introduce them to the chosen workflow and educate them on best practices in enterprise video communication.
What do you want to achieve?
Get started with video for business communication and experience how video communication by your employees to your employees - can benefit your business. Want to try out short daily briefings like little video updates? News and updates communicated via video? We have the expertise to help you!
Short briefings as video updates
Keep your colleagues up to date with short briefings as short videos that can be uploaded to your intranet or video platform.
Explain product news in video form
Most salespeople prefer short on-point videos explaining new products or other updates instead of uninspiring PDFs.
When only the best will do
Sometimes the situation calls for external professional video production. You provide the content - we provide the technical crew and equipment. All we need is a location and a time, and we'll produce a video that makes you look your best.
Visit us at
Copenhagen Streaming's office

Strandgade 27B, 5th floor
1401 Copenhagen K
VAT number: DK37614734
Copenhagen Streaming
We look forward to helping you use video for business communication. Use the contact form below or contact us by phone:
Tel: 28 29 09 10